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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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AP Score Submissions

Quick question, does anyone know how to send your AP scores to colleges? I checked the CollegeBoard website but got a bit lost. Pointers would be much appreciated.

7 months ago

You're not alone in finding the CollegeBoard's website sometimes a little tricky to navigate! Here are the steps to send your AP scores to colleges:

1. Log in to your CollegeBoard account. If you don't have one, you should create one using the same email you used when you took the AP exam.

2. Once you've logged in, navigate to the AP section (you can find it in the menu at the top or in your dashboard).

3. Under the AP section, there will be an option to 'Send Scores'. Click on it.

4. You'll then be asked to specify whether you want to send all scores or just scores from a particular year. Choose what suits your needs.

5. Next, you'll be asked to select the colleges you want to send your scores to. You can add more than one college if needed.

6. Once you've selected the colleges, review your order and proceed to payment if a fee applies. CollegeBoard charges a fee for sending scores, unless you're sending them to the college you indicated when you registered for the exams, within a certain deadline.

Remember that not all colleges require you to send official AP scores during the application process. Some may allow you to self-report AP scores on your application and only ask for an official report if you're admitted and decide to attend. Likewise, some colleges may not consider AP scores during admissions, but use them for placement or credit after you've accepted an offer. Always check the college's policy on AP scores.

7 months ago

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