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List of NCAA Sports

I'm a junior in high school and athletic recruitment might be a path I want to take when applying to colleges. I can't seem to find a comprehensive list of NCAA sports. Anyone got a link or can help me out with this?

6 months ago

Sure, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) offers a significant number of sports. The list of NCAA sports is as follows, divided into Fall, Winter, and Spring sports:

Fall Sports:

1. Cross Country (Men/Women)

2. Field Hockey (Women)

3. Football (Men)

4. Soccer (Men/Women)

5. Volleyball (Women)

Winter Sports:

1. Basketball (Men/Women)

2. Bowling (Women)

3. Fencing (Men/Women)

4. Gymnastics (Men/Women)

5. Ice Hockey (Men/Women)

6. Indoor Track and Field (Men/Women)

7. Rifle (Coed)

8. Skiing (Men/Women)

9. Swimming and Diving (Men/Women)

10. Wrestling (Men)

Spring Sports:

1. Baseball (Men)

2. Beach Volleyball (Women)

3. Golf (Men/Women)

4. Lacrosse (Men/Women)

5. Outdoor Track and Field (Men/Women)

6. Rowing (Women)

7. Softball (Women)

8. Tennis (Men/Women)

9. Volleyball (Men)

10. Water Polo (Men/Women)

Remember, these are all NCAA sanctioned sports. However, not every college may offer every sport. Always check with the specific colleges you are interested in to see if they offer the sport you wish to play. The NCAA's website can be a useful resource for this.

6 months ago

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