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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What colleges have a culture and academic environment like Brown University?

I've fallen in love with Brown's open curriculum and their collaborative culture. I'm looking for other colleges that offer a similar level of academic freedom and a supportive community. Any ideas where I should be looking?

a year ago

It's fantastic to hear that you're inspired by Brown's open curriculum and culture. If you're seeking similar academic environments, consider looking at other institutions with flexible curricula like Amherst College. They have an open curriculum that encourages cross-disciplinary studies without the constraint of core requirements.

Another option might be Wesleyan University, which offers a liberal arts education with room for academic exploration. While not as open as Brown's, their curriculum is still quite flexible. Additionally, look into Vassar College and Grinnell College, which both foster a student-directed approach to education and strong community vibes.

All these schools share a commitment to fostering independent thought and a supportive atmosphere. Remember, it's also about finding a place that feels right to you personally, so I recommend visiting campuses if possible to get a true sense of the community and culture, as sometimes schools can be similar on paper but quite different in person. Best of luck in finding a college that resonates with you!

a year ago

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