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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can students receive accommodations for extra time on AP exams?

I've heard that it's possible to get extra time on AP exams for students who need accommodations, but I'm not sure how to go about requesting it. Could anyone who has experience with this process walk me through it? Thanks a bunch, I'd really benefit from having a bit more time due to my learning needs.

a year ago

Absolutely, accommodations for AP exams are available for students with documented disabilities that affect their ability to take exams. The process involves submitting a request to the College Board, which administers AP exams, through your school's SSD (Services for Students with Disabilities) coordinator. They will help you fill out the necessary paperwork and gather the required proof of your need for extra time.

This should be done as early as possible—ideally, you should start the process in the fall preceding the exams. Documentation of your disability and the need for specific accommodations, like extra time, will also be necessary. Once your request is approved, the College Board will send an SSD Eligibility Code that allows you to apply accommodations to your AP exams. Remember to check in periodically to ensure your request is being processed, as sometimes you may need to submit additional materials. You’re taking the right steps by looking into this early, and I'm here if you have any more questions or need assistance.

a year ago

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