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How does Elmira College's admission process work?

Hey guys, I'm intrigued enough by Elmira College and I'm contemplating applying. But I'm not sure about the nitty-gritty of their admissions process. Can anyone help shed some light on this? Any tips on how to make my application stand out would be fantastic.

4 months ago

Elmira College in New York takes a somewhat holistic approach to its admission process. Besides your academic record, the college's admission decisions are also influenced by several other factors. Here's a rundown of some things that Elmira takes into consideration:

1. Transcripts: Your high school transcript is vital, and Elmira looks at the rigor of your curriculum, along with your grades. They value upward trends in grades, and challenging courses such as the AP, IB or honors courses signify an academically rigorous curriculum.

2. Test Scores: Elmira College is now test-optional, so you have the choice to submit your SAT or ACT scores, or not. If you feel your test scores reflect your abilities well, it might be a good idea to include them.

3. Extracurricular Activities: Elmira really cares about their students' engagement outside the classroom. So, whether or not you've taken leadership roles, or participated in community service – it all matters. The college strives for a vibrant campus culture, so they appreciate students who will actively contribute to campus life.

4. Letter of Recommendation: Elmira requires at least one letter of recommendation. It could be from your teacher, counsellor, or another adult who can vouch for your abilities and character.

5. Personal Essay: The admission essay is a part of the Common Application. Through this essay, Elmira aims to understand your personality, values, and how you communicate. This is your one chance to speak directly to the admissions committee, so make it count.

And as for making your application stand out, focus on your essay and extracurriculars - this is where you can truly showcase your individuality. Remember that Elmira is interested in students who show potential for growth, leadership, and involvement in community service or extracurricular activities.

Also, make sure to do your research about Elmira and align your interests with what the college has to offer. That way, you can demonstrate your interest in the school through your application, which always leaves a positive impression.

Lastly, apply early! Elmira College offers an Early Action (EA) option. EA will give you a response sooner without the binding decision requirement. The slightly higher admission rate in the early rounds could work in your favor.

I hope this helps! Good luck with your application.

4 months ago

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