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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can anyone guide me through writing a college essay step by step?

I feel completely lost with all the college essay advice out there. Could someone break down the process of writing a college essay into manageable steps? I could really use a roadmap from brainstorming to final edits!

a year ago

Absolutely, I'd be glad to help you navigate the college essay writing process. First, begin by reflecting on your life experiences, challenges you've overcome, and accomplishments that have shaped you. Jot down notes or create a mind map to organize your thoughts.

Next, examine the essay prompts offered by the colleges you're applying to and identify which personal experiences could align well with each prompt. Once you've chosen a suitable prompt, draft an outline where you structure your essay with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

Then, proceed to write your first draft. Write freely and don't worry about making it perfect on the first go. After completing your draft, take a step back for a day or two before revisiting it with fresh eyes. During the revision stage, focus on clarifying your message, streamlining your narrative, and ensuring your unique voice shines through.

Finally, proofread meticulously to catch any grammatical errors or typos. It can be incredibly helpful to have someone else—a teacher, mentor, or friend—read your essay as well to provide feedback for further refinements. Remember, the essay is a chance for the admissions committee to get to know you, so make sure it reflects who you are honestly and engagingly.

a year ago

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