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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do colleges view a 3 on AP exams?

Hey everyone, I’ve been wondering, how do colleges actually interpret a score of 3 on an AP exam? I got a few scores in that range and I'm slightly stressed about whether or not they’d still consider these scores as demonstrating proficiency in those subjects. Any insights on how top schools or just colleges in general view this?

a year ago

Colleges generally regard a score of 3 on AP exams as 'qualified' to be successful in college-level work, which is the middle ground that neither particularly impresses nor deeply disappoints. At top-tier schools, where the competition is steep and many applicants boast 4's and 5's, a 3 may be seen as slightly less competitive. However, it's worth noting that many colleges give credit or placement for scores of 3 or above, so your score still has value.

In the context of your overall application, a single AP score won't make or break you. Admissions officers are much more interested in your overall GPA, the rigor of your high school coursework, and your extracurricular achievements. So, breathe easy—your AP scores of 3 are not a death knell for your applications. Just focus on the bigger picture of your achievements and how they reflect your readiness for college-level work.

a year ago

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