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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does taking the CLT test change my college options?

Hey folks, I've been preparing for the CLT exam, but I'm not sure how widely it's accepted. Do any of you know what colleges accept the CLT test? Also, how is it viewed compared to the SAT or ACT? Any advice is appreciated!

4 months ago

Hello! It's worth noting that Classic Learning Test (CLT) is not as widely recognized as the SAT or ACT by universities. As of now, it's accepted or considered by a few hundred colleges, primarily smaller liberal arts colleges and religious institutions in the U.S.

In terms of comparability, the CLT is structured differently from the SAT and ACT. It's conducted online and offers a different array of question types that lean more into logic and reasoning skills. Nevertheless, it's crucial to be mindful that the SAT and ACT are considered as gold standards for college admissions tests, and they're accepted by virtually all colleges.

Therefore, it would be best to take the SAT or ACT in addition to the CLT if the universities you're eyeing are among those that don't accept the CLT. This would ensure that you have a universally accepted test score in your application.

Keep studying hard and good luck on your exams!

4 months ago

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