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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

GPA Conversion: How Does An 87 Translate?

Hey folks, I've been trying to understand how GPA conversion works. My average score is typically around 87 and I'm not sure how that translates into a GPA. Does anyone have insights on how this process works?

6 months ago

Hello! I'd be happy to help you understand GPA conversions. First, it's important to note that the conversion can slightly differ between high schools. But generally, when using a standard unweighted scale where the maximum GPA is 4.0, an average score of 87 would typically fall somewhere in the B+ range, giving a GPA of approximately 3.3.

Here's a simple scale for reference:

- A+ (97-100): 4.0 GPA

- A (93-96): 4.0 GPA

- A- (90-92): 3.7 GPA

- B+ (87-89): 3.3 GPA

- B (83-86): 3.0 GPA

- B- (80-82): 2.7 GPA

- And so forth

Remember, this is a general approximation and individual school policies might affect the exact conversion. You can check with your school's guidance office if they use a different scale or conversion method.

6 months ago

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