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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What format do college essays follow?

I've been sketching out ideas for my Common App essay and I'm not sure about formatting—like, should it be MLA style, or are there other formatting expectations I should know about? What's the standard that colleges look for in these essays?

a year ago

Hey there! You're asking a great question. College essays, particularly the Common App essay, are a bit different from your typical school paper, so MLA format isn't necessary here. Instead, your focus should be on crafting a compelling narrative that conveys your unique voice and experiences. For formatting, just keep it simple – use a readable font like Times New Roman or Arial, keep the font size at around 11 or 12, and double-space is often appreciated for ease of reading. Beyond that, you'll want clear paragraph breaks and maybe a header with your name and possibly your Common App ID. Don't worry about a title unless it adds something significant to your essay. The Common App text box also strips most formatting when you paste your essay in, so just focus on your beautiful words and storytelling!

a year ago

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