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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Dropping a Class—Is It Bad?

Hey peeps, I'm currently in this advanced Physics class that's honestly giving me a headache, and I'm seriously considering dropping it. Would that look bad to colleges? Feeling a bit stressed about this, so any insight would be great.

4 months ago

Hi there, I understand your concern here and a drop in your schedule isn't an automatic red flag for colleges. If the class is causing you a lot of stress and potentially bringing down your overall GPA, it could be a good idea to drop it. However, you should also consider some factors.

First off, if you're considering majoring in something STEM-related, colleges might be disappointed to see that you dropped an advanced Physics class. If you're not a STEM major, they might be more understanding.

Secondly, what will you replace it with? If you swap it for a similarly rigorous class, this can show colleges that you're still maintaining a challenging course load.

Lastly, you might want to reflect on whether the class is genuinely too challenging, or if it's something you could improve in with some extra help or effort. For example, you could reach out for tutoring support if you haven't already.

Remember, college admission is about balance. They want to see you challenge yourself, but not at the expense of your mental health or overall academic performance. Make sure to communicate the reasons for dropping the class in the additional information section of your application if you choose to do so.

Hope this helps and you manage to make a decision that suits you best. Good luck!

4 months ago

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