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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What GPA should I aim for to be competitive at Virginia Tech?

Hi everyone! I’m really interested in Virginia Tech and was wondering what kind of GPA would make a competitive candidate. If there's a ballpark GPA range that would increase my chances, I’d love to focus on hitting that target this year. Any advice?

a year ago

Hello there! It's great that you're setting goals for your GPA to increase your chances at Virginia Tech. While the admissions process considers several factors, a strong GPA is certainly an essential component. Generally speaking, Virginia Tech has a fairly competitive admissions process, where the middle 50% of admitted students typically have GPAs between 3.83 and 4.26. That said, aiming for a GPA within or above this range can strengthen your application.

Remember, your GPA is one part of the picture. Consistently challenging yourself with rigorous courses (like AP, IB, or honors) not only boosts your GPA's weight but also shows your preparedness for college-level work. Keep up the hard work, and don't forget to balance your academic efforts with extracurricular activities that showcase your passions and leadership skills. If you maintain a strong academic record, you’ll be well-positioned when you apply. Good luck!

a year ago

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