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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Howard University's Demographics

Hey guys! Recently, I’ve been thinking about applying to Howard University. I'd love to know more about the student body there. Can someone provide some insight into the demographics at Howard? Cheers.

4 months ago

Absolutely, I'd be happy to give you some insights into the student body at Howard University!

Howard University, a historically black university in Washington, D.C., is known for its vibrant and diverse community. It's primarily comprised of African American students, thus creating an enriching environment that exposes students to African American culture and traditions. Furthermore, it attracts a sizable international student population, bringing in students from over 66 different countries.

The student body is also more female than male, with a population split of around 73% female to 27% male.

Apart from these demographic details, it's worth mentioning that Howard often ranks highly among HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities), known for its commitment to academic excellence and service. The university is celebrated for its strong programs in areas like business, sciences, arts, and communication sciences.

Finally, Howard has a lively student culture, offering over 200 student clubs and organizations, where students can have enriching experiences, build lasting relationships, and grow personally and professionally.

Keep in mind, college is about more than just the demographics—it's also about the experiences and opportunities you'll have access to, the mentors you'll learn from, and the community you'll be part of. The demographic details can certainly give you a glimpse into what life at Howard might be like, but do consider all aspects of the college experience in your decision-making process.

4 months ago

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