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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where exactly is Oregon State University located?

Hey guys, I'm considering applying to Oregon State University, but I'm not exactly sure where it's located. Can anyone familiar with OSU shed some light on its location? Is it in a college town or a big city? How's the local environment?

7 months ago

Oregon State University (OSU) is located in Corvallis, Oregon, which is considered a classic college town. Corvallis is relatively small, with a population of around 60,000, and it's located in the Willamette Valley, about 90 miles south of Portland and a little over an hour's drive to the Pacific Coast.

While Corvallis might not have the bustling city vibe, it offers a unique blend of small-town charm and college-centric activities given the presence of OSU. There's a strong sense of community and the landscapes around are scenic, with the Willamette River running through town and nearby opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking and biking. You can also find boutique shops, art galleries, and a farmer's market downtown.

OSU itself is a major part of the Corvallis community. The university's events often overlap with local happenings. There's a lot of Beaver (OSU mascot) spirit in the air, especially during college football season.

So, if you are looking for a traditional, tight-knit college town experience, you might find Oregon State University's location quite appealing.

7 months ago

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