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Military enrollment - what's the skinny?

Hey guys, this is my first post here! So, I'm thinking about joining the military after high school, but I'm kind of confused about the requirements. I tried looking it up, but I'm still not sure what they are. Can anyone here offer some help?

4 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to provide some insight!

Joining the military involves a few general requirements, these are:

- Age: Typically, you'll need to be at least 17 years old with parental consent, or 18 years old without it. Age limits vary by branch - such as up to 35 for the Army, and up to 41 for the Navy.

- Citizenship: You usually need to be a US citizen or Green Card holder.

- Education: A high school diploma is needed. Some branches might accept the GED but typically prioritize high school graduates.

- Physical Fitness: Each branch has its own physical requirements involving specific tests of strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance.

- Medical and Legal History: Drug tests and criminal history checks are usually part of the application process. There are some disqualifiers, but waivers are often available.

However, these requirements can vary among the branches, namely: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and the newly formed Space Force. Each has different demands and offers distinct career opportunities, so you might want to research and consider which branch aligns with your long-term goals.

It's also worth mentioning that if you're considering a military career as a way to pay for college, each branch provides various tuition assistance and scholarship programs that can fund your education during or after service.

Remember, choosing to enlist is a significant commitment and decision. Consulting with a recruiter from the branch that you're interested in or discussing it with military career counselors could provide more personalized advice.

I hope this info has been helpful- best of luck deciding on your path!

4 months ago

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