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AP Exam Study Time

Hey folks! Junior year is wild, and AP exams are on the horizon. How much time do people usually spend studying for an AP exam? Is there like a recommended number of hours per week or something? Especially for tough subjects... Asking for a friend (and by friend, I mean me, I'm stressed).

a year ago

Hey there! I totally understand the pressure junior year can bring, especially with AP exams coming up. The amount of study time really depends on your familiarity with the subject matter and your personal learning style. However, a good rule of thumb is to start reviewing a couple of months before the exam at a pace that suits you. For instance, if you're struggling with a subject like AP Chemistry or AP Calculus, you might want to dedicate more time each week to review – maybe 10-15 hours. For subjects you're more comfortable with, perhaps 5-10 hours a week will suffice.

Remember, consistency is key! Instead of cramming, regular study sessions can lead to better retention and less stress. Additionally, practice exams can be incredibly helpful. They not only gauge your understanding but also help you get used to the exam format and time constraints. Don't forget to take breaks and maintain a balanced schedule – your brain needs rest to perform at its best. Hang in there, and good luck!

a year ago

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