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AP English Lit Exam: What am I getting myself into?

Literature buffs, I need your wisdom! For those who have survived the AP English Literature exam, what kind of content does it cover? Are we talking more about modern works or more classic literature? What were the most frequent themes or literary periods that popped up? Much appreciated!

a year ago

Greetings fellow literature enthusiast! I can see you're gearing up for an intellectual adventure with the AP English Literature exam. This exam is quite comprehensive and does cover a wide range of literature, but it tends to lean more towards classic works than modern ones, so you're likely to encounter authors like Shakespeare, the Romantic poets, or 19th-century novelists. Think along the lines of 'Pride and Prejudice,' 'Wuthering Heights,' or 'Hamlet.'

As for themes and periods, you'll see a bit of everything, though there is often an emphasis on literary elements like character development, narrative structure, and thematic exploration. You might also encounter questions on poetry analysis, so brushing up on various periods and styles, including modernist poetry, can be beneficial. Make sure to practice lots of close reading and analytical writing as these skills are crucial for the essay sections. Good luck on your literary journey with the AP Exam!

a year ago

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