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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How crucial are college essays in the admissions process?

Feeling a bit stressed here as I start my applications, and I’m wondering just how big of a role do college essays play in the admissions process? Are they the make-or-break factor, or do AOs weigh other aspects of the application, like GPA and extracurriculars, more heavily?

a year ago

It’s completely understandable to feel stressed about your college applications, but I'm here to help ease some of that tension! College essays are an important part of the admissions process because they offer a unique opportunity for you to share your voice and personal story. Think of them as your interview with the admissions committee. While grades and test scores provide a quantitative measure of your academic ability, essays allow you to highlight aspects of your personality, experiences, and reflections that numbers can't convey.

Keep in mind that colleges are looking for a holistic picture of who you are. An excellent essay can sometimes help compensate for less-than-stellar grades, just as a poor essay can cast a shadow on great academic achievements. Your best bet is to invest time in writing a thoughtful, well-crafted essay that provides insight into who you are. For example, if you've overcome a particular challenge, or have a unique perspective or passion, a strong essay can really make you stand out in the admission officer's mind.

a year ago

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