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SAT scores compared to ACT: which should I focus on?

Hey geniuses, quick question. I've taken both the SAT and the ACT, and I was wondering how these scores compare? Which one tends to be more beneficial for college applications? Thanks in advance for the wisdom!

2 months ago

Hey there! Both the SAT and the ACT are widely accepted by colleges and universities in the United States, so actually, there isn't an inherent advantage to submitting one over the other. It's more about which test reflects your abilities the best.

The choice between the SAT and the ACT can depend on quite a few factors, including your personal strengths and the type of test taker you are. For instance, the ACT has a Science section that tests your ability to interpret and analyze scientific data, graphs, and hypotheses. If you do well in these tasks, it might give you an edge. On the other hand, if you're a whiz at analyzing literary passages, the SAT might be more your speed.

Of course, it's also important to consider your scores. If you're scoring significantly higher on one test than the other (in terms of percentile and not just raw score), it might make sense to focus on that test.

The digital format of the SAT since 2024 might be also something to consider, as it brings the structure of the test quite close to that of the ACT. Many students find the digital format more comfortable and interactive compared to the previous pencil-paper approach.

Overall, though, colleges don't really prefer one test over the other. They normally use concordance tables to compare SAT and ACT scores, so they can understand applicant scores in the context of both testing systems.

Remember, both tests are only one aspect of your application. They can be an important part, sure, but colleges look at far more than just your test scores. So, pick the test that suits you better, focus on preparing thoroughly for that test, and that should give you a solid score to add to your application.

2 months ago

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