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Navigating AP exams as a first-time test-taker?

I'm going to be taking AP exams for the first time and the thought of it is kind of daunting. Can someone walk me through what the experience is like? Also, what should I absolutely know about the testing process itself? Any advice on the dos and don'ts on the exam day would be super helpful!

a year ago

First and foremost, it's completely understandable to feel a bit anxious about your first AP exams – many students feel the same way! The experience can vary depending on the subject, but generally, the exams consist of multiple-choice questions followed by free-response items. This could include essays, problem solving, or verbal responses, depending on the AP test.

Before the exam, make sure you're familiar with The College Board's exam policies; they provide detailed instructions on what to bring and what not to bring to the testing site. For instance, you'll need your school-issued ID or a government-issued ID, a couple of #2 pencils, a pen with black or dark blue ink, an approved calculator for certain math and science exams, and your AP Student Pack if your school provides them.

On exam day, have a nutritious breakfast and arrive early to avoid any last-minute stress. Dress comfortably and in layers in case the exam room's temperature varies. During the test, time management is critical. Keep an eye on the clock, but try not to rush. If you get stuck on a question, it’s okay to move on and return to it if time allows. Good luck, and remember, preparing well is key but so is a good night’s rest before the big day!

a year ago

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