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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Taboo Topics for College Essays?

Little bit stressed here, y'all. I've heard there are certain things you just shouldn't write about in college essays. I have a ton of ideas but scared I might pick something that's a big no-no. What are those topics I should steer clear from in my essays?

a year ago

Hey there! It's totally understandable to worry about what to include in your college essays. Some common topics advised to avoid are those that can be overly polarizing or controversial, like politics or religious beliefs, unless you have a very unique and thoughtful take that directly relates to your personal story. It's also best to steer clear of clichés, like the classic 'winning the big game,' which can often come across as uninspired. Tragic events like death or divorce can be delicate topics, and while they can be powerful if they've had a significant impact on you, they need to be handled with care and should focus on your growth and resilience rather than the event itself. Lastly, avoid anything illegal or unethical – admissions officers will not look kindly on those subjects. Remember, the goal of your essay is to offer a glimpse into who you are: your values, passions, and what makes you tick. Choose topics that present you in the best light and can showcase your unique perspective or experiences!

a year ago

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