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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Should I consider retaking the SAT after scoring 1500+?

Hey everyone, so I recently got my SAT scores back, and I'm sitting at a solid 1500+. It's definitely within the range for the colleges I'm aiming for, but I can't help shake the feeling that maybe it's not enough, especially for Ivies or top-tier schools. I've been working super hard on my extracurriculars and I'm worried about balancing more test prep into my already packed junior year schedule. What do you all think? Is it worth retaking the SAT to aim for a perfect score, or should I focus on strengthening other parts of my application?

a year ago

Congratulations on an outstanding SAT score! With a 1500+, you're already above the 75th percentile for most Ivy League and top-tier schools. While it's true the admissions process at these institutions is extremely competitive, remember that once you've cleared a certain threshold with standardized test scores, the incremental benefit of a higher score diminishes. Colleges are looking for well-rounded candidates, and excellence in extracurricular activities can often weigh as much as, if not more than, a slightly higher SAT score. It seems you've already put in considerable effort into building a strong extracurricular profile, and that should not be overlooked. Instead of aiming for a 'perfect' score, which requires a significant time investment that may detract from other commitments, consider directing your energy towards continuing to excel in your extracurriculars and developing your personal essays, which will showcase your unique personality and contributions. Trust that your current score, combined with a robust and engaging application, will illustrate your potential just as powerfully.

a year ago

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