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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How low can you go with GPA?

Hey guys, I'm just honest about the fact that my GPA is not the best, but I keep wondering how low is the lowest GPA that you've heard of. This is for my own peace of mind. Thanks in advance for any input that you have!

6 months ago

The lowest GPA you could technically have would be a 0.0, if you were to fail every class. However, most students who are not doing well in school will still manage to get some credits and increase their GPA slightly. Additionally, if you are doing that poorly, your school would likely intervene and potentially put you on academic probation. Finishing with a 0.0 would be exceptionally rare.

In terms of college admissions, some universities have a minimum GPA that they consider during the application review process. For example, the University of California (UC) system requires a minimum GPA of 3.0 for California residents and 3.4 for out-of-state applicants. The California State University (CSU) system requires a minimum GPA of 2.5 for California residents and 3.0 for out-of-state applicants.

However, it's important to note that the minimum GPA is not necessarily a guarantee of admission. In fact, most admitted students to well-established universities have GPAs that are much higher. On the other hand, some schools may be more lenient, especially if you have strong extracurriculars, test scores, and other elements of your profile.

In general, low GPAs can make the admissions process more challenging, and might limit your options when it comes to more selective schools. But remember, there are many schools out there that value other qualities such as dedication, perseverance, and improvement as well.

Basically, while it's good to know these figures to set realistic goals and explore your options, it's also crucial not to fixate too much on the numbers. There's always room for improvement, and many other factors come into play in college admissions beyond just the GPA.

Hope this overview gives you some peace of mind!

6 months ago

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