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How intense is the AP World History exam?

I’ve got a real interest in history and I’m thinking about signing up for AP World History next year. But I’ve also heard it’s a lot of memorization and essays. For those who have already gone through the grind, what was your experience with the AP World exam? Is it as rough as people say, and if so, do you have any strategies for managing the workload?

a year ago

It's great to hear about your interest in history! The AP World History exam can indeed be intense, but much of it depends on your aptitude for understanding historical trends and making connections between different cultures and time periods. Students often find it challenging because it covers a vast time frame, which includes a considerable amount of material, and requires both memorization of facts and the ability to write analytical essays.

One strategy I recommend is to create a study plan early in the school year that allows you to review content periodically rather than cramming. Taking effective notes during your classes and regularly going over them and highlighting key sections, creating flash cards, and so on can be very helpful. Additionally, practicing your writing skills, such as coming up with a thesis, and organizing your thoughts under pressure, can make a huge difference for the essay portions. The College Board website provides past exam questions, which can be great practice for getting used to the exam format.

If you feel like you're struggling, you may also consider study groups or extra help sessions with your teacher—remember, there's no shame in asking for help, as that's what they're there for. Good luck!

a year ago

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