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Indiana Wesleyan University: What's the cost?

Hi, I've been considering Indiana Wesleyan University and was wondering if anyone knew what the cost is? Not just tuition, but including room and board, books, and other expenses. A ballpark estimate is okay if exact numbers aren't available.

4 months ago

Hello! It's very important to think about the full cost of college, not just tuition, so that's a great question. As for Indiana Wesleyan University, costs can vary depending on factors like housing choices, meal plans, and course materials, among other things. At the time of writing, here's a comprehensive breakdown to give you a rough estimate:

- Tuition: For the 2024-2025 academic year, full-time undergraduates at Indiana Wesleyan University are estimated to pay approximately $32,284 per year in tuition.

- Room and Board: According to the university, estimated room and board costs about $10,868 per year, but this can vary based on the type of housing and meal plan you choose.

- Books and Supplies: While costs for books and supplies can vary significantly based on your specific courses and where you purchase or rent your textbooks, a good estimate for Indiana Wesleyan University is about $1,384 per year.

- Transportation: Indiana Wesleyan University estimates that students will spend an average of $494 per year on transportation, but this is highly variable.

- Miscellaneous Expenses: Things like personal expenses can vary greatly depending on each individual's lifestyle and needs. A rough estimate given by Indiana Wesleyan University includes around $1,522 annually on personal expenses, but you should adjust these numbers to fit your personal spending habits and needs. Additionally, you might have to consider loan fees, which could cost you another $68.

So, if you add up all the estimated costs, a full year at Indiana Wesleyan University might cost around $46,620. These estimated costs do not include potential additional program costs for some majors. Keep in mind, however, that many students offset these costs through financial aid and scholarships, so the net price that you pay might be considerably lower than this. To get a closer estimate of what you might pay after factoring in aid, it's a good idea to use the Net Price Calculator on Indiana Wesleyan University's website.

4 months ago

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