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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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In crafting my college essay, what key qualities should I showcase?

Trying to write this college essay and I'm lowkey freaking out. What are the most important qualities or experiences admissions officers want to see? I have a lot I could talk about but want to make sure I focus on the right things that will make my application stand out. Any tips?

a year ago

Hey there! First off, take a deep breath; you're definitely not alone in feeling a bit overwhelmed by the college essay process. When it comes to crafting your essay, think about the unique qualities that make you 'you.' Admissions officers read thousands of essays, so your goal is to stand out in a genuine way. Show them who you are beyond your grades and test scores.

Some key qualities to consider highlighting include your curiosity, resilience, empathy, leadership, and capacity for growth. However, it's not just about listing these traits—you want to bring them to life through your experiences. For example, if you led a project at school that failed initially but you learned from the experience and tried again successfully, that shows resilience and growth.

Remember, it's about quality over quantity; a detailed, reflective narrative on one significant experience often makes a stronger impression than a list of accomplishments. Focus on a story that captures a moment of personal development or insight, and let your voice shine through. Good luck—you've got this!

a year ago

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