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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Seeking Inspiration: What should I write about in my college essay?

The time has come to face my college essay and honestly, I’m stumped. What should I be writing about? Is there a go-to sort of topic that usually works well, or should it be something super personal? If anyone’s been praised for an essay or been advised by counselors on this, your insights would be super helpful!

a year ago

Starting your college essay can certainly feel daunting, but remember that the best topic for your essay is one that allows you to showcase your personality, growth, and the unique qualities that you'll bring to a college campus. Common advice is to focus on a narrative that illustrates a defining moment or aspect of your character. This could be an event, a hobby, a challenge you've overcome, or an experience that led to personal growth.

For instance, a hypothetical student might write eloquently about their passion for baking and how it taught them the importance of precision and creativity. This student's essay would stand out because it reveals dedication and self-reflection.

Also, colleges appreciate honesty and sincerity, so choose a topic that is genuine and means something to you. It's less about what you write and more about how you write it. Reflect on your experiences and consider what you've learned or how you've changed; this is often a wonderful place to start. You've got this!

a year ago

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