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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Admission insights for UW—How important is GPA?

I'm totally stressed about college admissions and the importance of GPA, especially for schools like the University of Washington (UW). Can someone shed some light on how UW considers GPA during their admissions process? I just want to make sure I’m focusing my efforts correctly!

a year ago

I completely understand how stressful the college admissions process can be, especially when it comes to understanding the weight of different components like GPA. At the University of Washington, and many other institutions, GPA is certainly an important factor. They look to see that students have taken challenging courses and have done well in them, which is reflected in your GPA.

However, UW also considers the context of your academic achievements. For instance, they'll look at the rigor of your coursework in relation to what is available at your school. If your GPA isn't as high as you'd like, but you've taken the most challenging courses available and showed an upward trend in your grades, that's something they will take into account. To focus your efforts effectively, continue to strive for the best grades possible while ensuring you're also engaging in activities that are meaningful to you.

a year ago

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