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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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When do the AP exams typically happen in May?

As I plan out my final high school spring, I'm wondering when the AP exams are scheduled in May. Do they start early in the month, or are they more towards the end? I’m trying to balance exam prep with other commitments I have.

a year ago

AP exams are usually scheduled to start in the first two weeks of May. The exam schedule is structured so that no two exams that a large number of students take ever overlap, but there could still be individual conflicts depending on your course load. You're right to plan ahead—balancing exam prep with your other commitments will be vital.

I'd suggest mapping out a study schedule now to ensure you have ample prep time for each subject. Take a look at the College Board's official website; they post the exact dates and times for each exam. This will help you allocate time appropriately for your studies and other activities. If you need help creating a study plan, feel free to reach out!

a year ago

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