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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Impact of scoring a 3 on an AP exam on college admissions?

Hello peers! I just got a 3 on one of my AP exams and I'm a bit worried. How do colleges view a 3 on an AP exam? Should I report it or not? Will it hurt my chances especially if I'm aiming for top-tier schools? Would love to hear from anyone who's been in a similar situation. Thanks a bunch!

a year ago

Hello there! I understand your concern about scoring a 3 on your AP exam, and it’s natural to worry about how it might be perceived by admissions committees at top-tier schools. Generally speaking, 3 is generally viewed as passing and demonstrates that you have a satisfactory understanding of the material. While it’s true that the most competitive applicants might have higher scores, a 3 won’t necessarily harm your chances, especially if you have strengths in other areas of your application.

When deciding whether to report the score or not, consider the overall narrative of your application. If your GPA and other standardized test scores are strong, a 3 in an AP exam likely won't overshadow your academic abilities. Moreover, some colleges do grant credit for a score of 3, depending on the subject and their policies, so reporting it can still be beneficial. I’ve had students get admitted to excellent programs even with a mix of 3s, 4s, and 5s on their AP exams. Ultimately, remember that one score does not define your entire application. Keep working hard, and good luck!

a year ago

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