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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Colleges with a community feeling like Notre Dame?

Notre Dame's community spirit and alumni network are simply unmatched from what I've heard. I’d love to find more universities where there's a strong sense of belonging and tradition, combined with excellent academics. Any suggestions for schools with a similar 'family' atmosphere?

a year ago

Absolutely, there are several universities known for their close-knit communities and strong traditions. One that often comes to mind is Boston College. With its Jesuit heritage, it fosters a sense of community and service, very much like Notre Dame. Another option is Vanderbilt University, where the combination of strong academics, SEC sports, and a tight-knit campus life resonates with many seeking that family feel. Duke University also merits mention with its legendary school spirit (especially around basketball) and its strong alumni network.

Each of these has unique traditions and a strong sense of pride among students and alumni, creating that sense of family you're looking for. I'd recommend visiting the campuses, if possible, to get a true sense of the atmosphere and chatting with current students or alumni to hear their experiences firsthand!

a year ago

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