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SAT: 720 math
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Recommended high school GPA for admission to The Ohio State University?

Hi folks, kinda stressed here figuring out my chances for Ohio State. I'm a junior and could use some insight on the GPA that Ohio State typically expects from an incoming freshman. I’m trying to understand how much I need to improve my grades before applications next year. Does anyone know their average or what they consider competitive?

a year ago

Hey there! I completely understand that applying to colleges like Ohio State can be a bit nerve-racking, but I'm happy to share some insights. Ohio State University does have competitive admissions, and typically, a strong GPA will indeed play a crucial role. While they don't have a strict cutoff, you would generally want to aim for a GPA that's around the 3.5 to 4.0 range to be considered seriously for admission, especially if you’re aiming for some of the more competitive programs.

That said, a slightly lower GPA doesn't completely rule out your chances if other parts of your application are strong, like your SAT/ACT scores, extracurriculars, letters of recommendation, and personal statements. Remember, improving your GPA is always a good strategy, so definitely focus on your upcoming classes. But don't neglect your other application components—they can really help make you stand out. If you have more classes ahead of you, it's a great opportunity to show an upward trend in your grades, which admissions committees love to see. Best of luck, and keep up the hard work!

a year ago

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