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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Choosing My College Essay Topic: Any Suggestions?

So, I know the essay might be my chance to stand out, but I’m having trouble figuring out what to write about. Does anyone have any strategies or tips on how to narrow down a topic for the college essay that will really resonate with admissions officers?

a year ago

Absolutely understand your dilemma—it’s like standing at a buffet with too many good choices! You might find it helpful to reflect on moments that led to personal growth or change. Think about when you faced a challenge, or when you discovered a passion that shapes who you are today. It could be as simple as a project that you took up on your own initiative, or a family circumstance that taught you valuable lessons. Remember, it's not about the grandeur of the story, but rather the impact it had on you.

For example, you could write about how organizing a community event taught you leadership and communication, and the colleges might love it! Keep the essay authentic, let your personality shine through, and above all, make sure it's a tale only you can tell. Wishing you the very best!

a year ago

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