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SAT: 720 math
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AP Subject Exam Scheduling

Hey y'all! I’m wrapping up my AP class selection for next year, but I want to map out my exam prep. For specific subjects like AP Calc AB, AP Computer Science, AP English, and AP Psych, does anyone know when the exams are? I heard they're in May, but what are the specific dates? Thanks for helping a stressed junior out!

a year ago

Hey there! You're right that the AP exams take place in May. Each year, the College Board releases the schedule, which has the specific dates for each subject exam. You will undoubtedly find it super helpful to check the College Board website directly for the most accurate information. You might even want to print out the schedule and put it on the fridge so you can keep track!

The schedule can vary from year to year, so for your AP Calc AB, AP Computer Science, AP English, and AP Psych exams, you'll want to look at the upcoming year's dates. It's great that you're thinking ahead. A good habit is to regularly check for any updates or changes as the exam dates get closer, and give yourself plenty of time to prepare for the subjects you find more challenging. Best of luck with your studies and exams!

a year ago

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