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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are some universities like Appalachian State?

I'm really into the community and programs at App State, especially their outdoor clubs and business courses. Just wondering what other universities offer a similar feel or have comparable programs? Bonus points if they're in awesome locations, too!

a year ago

Hey there! It's fantastic that you're already finding aspects that you love about a university, such as the sense of community and specific programs at Appalachian State.

For similar vibes, I'd suggest checking out the University of Vermont, which offers a strong sense of community, a well-regarded business program, and an array of outdoor clubs given its proximity to mountains and natural beauty. Another good bet could be the University of Colorado Boulder, renowned for its outdoor activities and strong business programs as well. Both schools are situated in locations known for their outdoor activities, so you’d likely feel right at home.

And don't forget about the University of Montana; though it might be less known, it's a gem for outdoor enthusiasts and has a strong sense of community. If these locations sound exciting to you, do some digging into the specific programs and clubs they offer to get a better sense of whether they fit what you're looking for. Good luck on your search!

a year ago

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