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Joining the Military Right Out of HS

Hello everyone, I've been giving some thought on deferring college and going straight into the military when I graduate high school next year. Is there anyone here who has first-hand experience with this? What are some things I should know?

4 months ago

Transitioning straight from high school to the military is a significant decision and you'll want to consider a few factors. Firstly, deciding on a branch of service is essential because the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps each have their own opportunities, training programs, and cultures.

Military service also demands a significant time commitment, typically a minimum of three years of full-time service, though certain enlistment options can range up to six years. While in the military, keep in mind that you'll be moved to wherever you're needed, which could be far from home.

One notable benefit of military service is the GI Bill. If you decide to attend college after your military service, the Post-9/11 GI Bill can provide up to 36 months of education benefits including tuition, housing, and books.

An often overlooked point is that the skills learned in the military can be highly transferable to civilian jobs later on. The military offers job training in numerous fields—like medicine, mechanics, electronics, etc.—some of which don't require direct combat.

Lastly, having a sense of patriotism and dedication is key. The military isn't just another job, it's service to your country, and requires dedication beyond a typical job’s requirements. For instance, you'll have to undergo rigorous physical training and abide by strict rules and structure.

So while the military is definitely not for everyone, it does offer a path full of unique experiences and benefits. Of course, it is important to discuss this decision with your family, educators, and if possible, individuals who have served in the military. They might provide a deeper perspective into what military life involves and what opportunities might suit you best.

4 months ago

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