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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Coming up with a title for my college essay?

So, how necessary is a catchy title for your college essays? Will it add to the impact or is it just an unnecessary addition? If it's recommended, any suggestions on how to come up with a good one?

a year ago

Having a catchy title for your college essay can definitely be a nice touch, but it isn't a hard and fast requirement. Admissions officers are more focused on the content and quality of your writing rather than a snappy header. That being said, a thoughtful or intriguing title can provide a good first impression and set the tone for the rest of your essay. It's sort of like a handshake at the beginning of an interview; it's not going to make or break the outcome, but it can help start things off on the right foot.

As for coming up with a good title, reflect on the main theme or message of your essay and try to distill it into a few words that are both impactful and relevant. Sometimes, it can be a phrase you've used in your essay that captures the essence of your story. It could also be a play on words or a cultural reference that ties in with your narrative. Remember, the title should add clarity or interest, not confusion, so keep it concise and avoid being overly complex or obscure. And of course, run your title by a few people—teachers, peers, or family—to get their feedback. Good luck!

a year ago

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