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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Alternatives to Queens College for a well-rounded education?

I'm kinda into Queens College for its balance of strong academics, but I'm keeping options open. What other colleges offer a similar academic and community environment as Queens College?

a year ago

I'm thrilled to see you're exploring your options to find a college that suits you best! Looking for campuses similar to Queens College, you might consider schools like Baruch College and Brooklyn College in the CUNY system, which share the robust academics and vibrant community you’re attracted to. Beyond the CUNY system, consider schools like Hunter College or SUNY New Paltz, which can offer a strong sense of community and a commitment to academic excellence. For a broader search, Rutgers University in New Jersey provides a comprehensive educational experience with a diverse student body. When evaluating these options, consider the campus culture, student-to-teacher ratio, and available majors or programs that fit your interests. Taking a campus tour or attending an open house can give you a feel for the environment to see if it matches what you’re seeking. For a well-rounded education, schools don’t have to carry the exact same profile as Queens College; it’s more about finding the place that aligns with your educational goals and where you feel you can thrive both academically and personally.

a year ago

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