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How much does it cost to go to Ohio State?

Hey everyone, I'm currently a junior and starting to think about college options. Being from Ohio myself, Ohio State is obviously on my list, but I want to get an idea of the financial aspect. How much does it cost to attend Ohio State in a year? Including all fees and living expenses.

4 months ago

The cost of attending Ohio State University is going to vary based on whether you're an in-state or out-of-state student as well as if you decide to live on-campus or off-campus.

As of the 2024-2025 academic year, the estimated cost for an in-state student living on-campus is approximately $28,000 per year. That amount includes tuition, fees, room, board, and books. If you're an out-of-state student, that cost increases to approximately $54,760 per year.

Now, these costs are estimated averages and they do include living costs, meaning the cost of dorm housing and a meal plan at Ohio State. Note that actual costs would vary on a student by student basis, for instance, your personal expenses, travel, and the type of meal plan you choose, but these figures give a decent ballpark figure.

If you're looking to offset these costs, remember to check out Ohio State's financial aid options and scholarships. Applying for external scholarships can also be a great way to mitigate these costs. It's also important to keep in mind that these are sticker prices and many students won't end up paying the full price due to financial aid and scholarships. You should use Ohio State's net price calculator ( to get a more accurate estimate of your cost of attendance which takes into account your family's financial situation.

4 months ago

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