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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Elmira University: What's the Real Deal?

Hey everyone, I've been looking at Elmira University. Anyone have firsthand experiences or useful insights about it? Looking for info on academics, campus life, study-abroad opportunities, etc.

4 months ago

Hey there! Elmira University might not be as well-known as some other colleges, but it can definitely offer a fulfilling college experience. The academic rigor is pretty decent there, with special strengths in areas like nursing and business. However, they also have a good selection of humanities and STEM programs. It's a liberal arts college, so there's a focus on developing broad knowledge and critical thinking skills. Their small class sizes create a more participatory learning environment, and many students report great relationships with their professors.

In terms of campus life, the student body is small, which allows you to get familiar with everyone, thus giving the place a tight-knit, community feel. Elmira offers a litany of student clubs covering a wide range of interests, whether you're interested in politics, art, sports or community service. The campus facilities are also quite impressive - they have well-maintained dormitories, study rooms, recreational centers, and even a full-scale gym.

As for study-abroad, Elmira actually encourages internships abroad as well as traditional study abroad semesters, furthering the liberal arts focus on broadening horizons. They have programs available in over 20 countries, bringing considerable diversity to the options available to students.

However, as with any school, it's important to visit the campus (in-person or virtually) and speak with current students before making your final decision. As personal experiences may vary, it could be helpful to reach out directly to alumni or current students on a platform like LinkedIn for further insights.

4 months ago

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