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Brandeis tuition - how's that looking?

Anyone got any recent figures on Brandeis University tuition? I'd like to know what I'm getting into before I take the leap. Also curious about the availability of scholarships and financial aid programs there. Thanks a lot!

4 months ago

The tuition for Brandeis University for the 2024-2025 academic year is approximately $67,082 for full-time undergraduate students. When you also factor in related costs such as the student activity fee, room and board, books, and personal expenses, the total cost of attending Brandeis can exceed $89,000 per year. However, it's important to mention that these are just sticker prices - the actual amount you pay may be much less after accounting for financial aid and scholarships.

Regarding financial aid, Brandeis University is committed to meeting 100% of demonstrated need for all students. In other words, if you qualify for financial aid, the university will put together a package that covers all of your calculated need. This package can include a variety of forms of aid, such as grants, loans, and employment opportunities, with grants typically making up a significant portion of the package.

In addition to need-based aid, Brandeis also offers a number of merit-based scholarships. These scholarships are highly competitive and awarded to students with outstanding academic and extracurricular achievements. For instance, the Brandeis-Sponsored Merit Scholarships offers scholarships ranging from $5,000 to $24,000 per year.

To get a more accurate estimation of what you might be expected to pay, you can use Brandeis's Net Price Calculator (https://www.brandeis.edu/student-financial-services/affordability.html). This tool takes into account your family's financial situation to generate an estimate of your potential financial aid offer.

Remember that financial aid is a process and begins with applications, most notably the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and CSS Profile. Deadline for these applications often fall around the same time you would be submitting college applications so ensure to put these on your to-do list!

Lastly, keep in mind that everyone's financial situation is different, so the types of aid and the amount you could receive can vary widely depending on individual circumstances.

4 months ago

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