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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where can I find colleges similar to College of the Ozarks in terms of cost and values?

Hi friends! I’m drawn to the College of the Ozarks because of their no-tuition promise and their work program. I want to broaden my list though. Do you know of any other colleges where students can work on campus in exchange for tuition, and that have a strong emphasis on character development?

a year ago

Hello there! It's fantastic that you're considering the financial aspect and values in your college search.

Another institution you might want to look into is Berea College in Kentucky. Just like College of the Ozarks, Berea provides a no-tuition promise to all enrolled students. All students participate in a work-study program where they work at least 10 hours per week on campus or with community partners. Berea also places a strong emphasis on character and personal development.

Additionally, you might explore Alice Lloyd College, also in Kentucky, which provides a similar work-study program and focuses on leadership and character. Always make sure to check each school's admissions requirements and the specifics of their work programs to ensure they line up with your needs and interests. Good luck with your search!

a year ago

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