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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How expensive is Brandeis University?

Hello! I'm currently considering Brandeis for my university options. However, I'm clueless on what the financial stuff is like there. Can anyone share how much does it cost to attend Brandeis?

4 months ago

Brandeis University is a private institution, and its tuition and associated costs reflect that. For the 2024-2025 academic year, the official listed cost of attendance is as follows:

- Tuition and fees: approximately $67,082

- Room and board: around $19,944

- Books and supplies: potentially $1,000

- Personal expenses: can reach $1,200

Please note, these costs represent a comprehensive estimate, and individual costs may vary depending on personal spending habits and preferences.

While this may sound like a lot, don't let the sticker price deter you. Brandeis University offers need-based financial aid to qualifying students. Around half of the undergraduate students receive some kind of need-based financial aid.

In addition, it's a good policy to use the Net Price Calculator on Brandeis University's website (https://npc.collegeboard.org/app/brandeis) to get a more accurate understanding of what you might be expected to pay based on your family's income and other financial circumstances. This can give you an estimate that is a bit closer to what you might actually pay after financial assistance is taken into account. Financial aid packaging can make a significant difference in the final cost for many students, so it's worth looking into all available options.

4 months ago

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