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Does MSU mean Michigan State when it comes to using the Common App?

I need a little help distinguishing between the MSUs. When people say 'MSU' in relation to the Common App, are they usually referring to Michigan State University, or could it also mean Mississippi State or even Montana State? Just trying to sort out my application strategy.

a year ago

Hey there! I totally understand the confusion with the acronym 'MSU' since it could stand for multiple universities. If you're specifically talking about using the Common App, 'MSU' is most commonly used to refer to Michigan State University. They are a member of the Common App and are often the institution most folks mean when using that shorthand in relation to applications.

However, don't forget that acronyms can be regional. For instance, in the South, 'MSU' might more frequently refer to Mississippi State University, even though they don't use the Common App. It's always best to spell out the full name of the university in your application to avoid any confusion. As for your strategy, knowing exactly which school you're referring to will help you streamline your application process and ensure you're meeting the right requirements and deadlines. Good luck with sorting out your applications!

a year ago

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