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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What to fill in for 'Organization Name' if it's informal on Common App?

Stressed junior here 🙋. So I've been part of a study group that helps students with math. It isn't an official club though, just something we started. What should I put for the 'organization name' on the Common App activities section?

a year ago

Hi there! I understand your concern about how to accurately represent an informal group on your Common App. The activities section is a fantastic place to showcase your involvement and commitment, even if the group isn't formally recognized. For your math study group, you can be both descriptive and straightforward. Consider a name that clearly indicates the group's purpose. For example, 'Peer-led Math Study Group' or 'Student Math Tutoring Collective'. This kind of naming lets the admissions officers know exactly what the group is about and your role within it. Remember, it's the impact and your contribution that truly count, not the formality of the name. Make sure you also detail your involvement and the difference the group has made in your additional information section. Colleges appreciate seeing students taking initiative in their learning communities, official or not. Best of luck with your application!

a year ago

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