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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Is there a 'best' time to submit the Common App?

Okay, so I know about the whole 'early decision/action' thing, but is there like a best time to submit the Common App for regular decision? Does sending it in earlier than the deadline help at all, or does it just not matter as long as it's on time?

a year ago

Hey there! Submitting your Common App for regular decision does have a bit of strategic advantage when it comes to submitting earlier than the deadline. While it's true that the most significant decision is whether to apply early decision or action, submitting your application for regular decision a little earlier can have some benefits.

For one, it showcases your eagerness and high interest in the institution - some admission officers take note of that.

Moreover, colleges often start to review applications as they come in, even for regular decision. By submitting early, you may get more time under the admissions officers' microscope when they have a fresher mind, compared to later in the season when they may be inundated with applications.

However, make sure you don't sacrifice the quality of your application in a rush to get it in early. Every piece of your application should be carefully reviewed and polished. When I advise students, I often suggest aiming to submit a couple of weeks before the deadline to ensure there’s ample time to address any last-minute issues that might come up. It's like a safety net that also shows you're on the ball!

a year ago

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