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Easiest to Hardest: Ranking Military branches

Okay so I'm considering joining the military, right. But, I hear people talking about how some branches are easier than others. What does 'easier' mean in this context? And how are they ranked from easiest to hardest?

8 months ago

Discussing the "difficulty" of various branches of the military is tricky, as how easy or challenging you find any experience will depend on your individual skills, interests, and strengths. That said, generally speaking perception of difficulty is based on factors like basic training toughness, physical fitness standards, occupational demands, and deployment rate.

1. Air Force: The Air Force often tops the list of "easiest" military branches due to its emphasis on technology and intelligence. Basic Military Training (BMT) lasts seven and a half weeks, which includes physical training but also involves subjects like military customs, life-saving skills, and weapon use. The Air Force also has high quality of life standards and lower deployment rates, which some may interpret as 'easier'.

2. Coast Guard: The Coast Guard's Basic Training lasts slightly longer than the Air Force's, at 8 weeks, and while there are certainly high expectations for physical fitness, this training also has a significant mental component, to hone skills like decision-making and problem-solving. In terms of actual service, since the Coast Guard defends the waters immediately around the United States, you are unlikely to have your life uprooted to another part of the world (although that can still happen under extreme circumstances).

3. Navy: After the Air Force and Coast Guard, the Navy is often considered the next 'easiest'. Its basic training, known as Boot Camp, lasts approximately nine weeks. The physical demands in the Navy are significant, but can be less intense than the Army or Marines. However, you could fill a wide range of roles within the Navy, from engineering to medical services, and your exact job title will impact how likely you are to deploy.

4. Army: The Army has Basic Combat Training (BCT) that lasts about ten weeks, which is more substantial than the Air Force or Navy. It's more physically demanding, focusing on comprehensive physical fitness and basic warfare skills. That said, given the size of the Army, there are various roles and occupations which can change the 'difficulty' level of your service based on what job you're assigned.

5. Marine Corps: Often viewed as the most demanding branch, both physically and mentally, the Marine Corps' Basic Training, known as Boot Camp, lasts 13 weeks and is rigorous and intensive. Marines are known for being rapid-response troops, so the physical fitness standards and deployment rates are high.

Finally, there is also the Space Force, which is difficult to rank since this branch only began in 2019. Currently, the Space Force collaborates closely with the Air Force, and is also known for being more intellectually-focused, but this reputation could change as the branch becomes better established.

Remember, 'easier' or 'harder' doesn't necessarily mean 'better' or 'worse'. Each branch serves a different purpose and requires different skills. When choosing one, you should consider what you want out of your military service and determine which branch that aligns best with your values, long-term goals, and interests. In the end, joining any military branch is a serious commitment that will transform your life, so you should honestly evaluate which one is the best overall fit for you, rather than which one is generally known for being slightly easier.

Best of luck with your decision-making process!

8 months ago

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