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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Where exactly is Towson University located?

I have Towson University on my list of potential schools but I'm not too clued up on where it's located. I know it's in Maryland but that's about as much as I know. Could someone familiar with the area give me a bit more detail?

4 months ago

Towson University is located in Towson, Maryland, a northern suburb of Baltimore. Specifically, it's at 8000 York Road. The campus is a mix of urban and suburban settings, offering both vibrant city life and relaxed suburbia. Being 14 miles north of Downtown Baltimore, it provides students with easy access to city resources, cultural attractions, career opportunities, and more. So you'd be situated in a busy commercial district, with plenty of shops, restaurants, and activities to keep you entertained. Plus, if you're a nature enthusiast, you'll be happy to know that parks like Cromwell Valley Park and Loch Raven Reservoir Park are within easy reach as well. Lastly, if ever needed, Washington D.C is just over an hour's drive to the south.

4 months ago

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