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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Figuring Out Grade Percentages

Okay, so this might be a bit basic question, but I'm really struggling with understanding some things about grades. Can someone explain what is exactly meant by an '11/12 grade percentage'? Or what '14 out of 20 as a grade' means? Is there a standard universal conversion or it varies?

4 months ago

Sure, happy to help decipher those grade percentages!

An '11/12 grade percentage' essentially means that you have scored 11 points out of a possible 12 on whatever assignment or project you're looking at. To turn that into a percentage you can better understand, you would divide the score you received (11) by the total possible score (12) and then multiply by 100. So, 11 divided by 12 gives you approximately 0.9167, and multiplying that by 100 gives you a grade of approximately 91.67%.

Similarly, a 14 out of 20 grade implies you have secured 14 points out of a possible 20. To convert this into a percentage, you follow the same procedure. Divide 14 by 20 which gives you 0.7 and multiplying that by 100 gives you 70%.

Keep in mind that different schools use different grading scales, so a 70% might be a 'C' at one school, but could be considered a 'B' at another. Always refer to your specific school's grading scale for a fuller picture of how your scores translate into grades.

I hope this helps you understand better!

4 months ago

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