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Understanding a 6 Point Grading Scale

One of my teachers uses a 6 point grading scale and, truth be told, I'm a bit lost. Could someone explain to me how this works and what would be considered a 'good' grade on this scale?

4 months ago

A 6-point grading scale scores from 1 to 6 points. Each numeric value is corresponding with specific letter grades and GPA scores.

Here's a basic breakdown to give you some context:

- Score 6: This is equivalent to an A+/A grade, essentially top of the class, often linked to a GPA of 4.0.

- Score 5: Would be an A-/B+, equivalent to a GPA of around 3.5 - 3.7.

- Score 4: Represents a B-/C+, roughly corresponding to a GPA of 2.5 - 3.0.

- Score 3: This would be a C/D grade, typically with a GPA of 1.7 - 2.0.

- Score 2: Gets into the territory of a D, with a GPA of 1.0 - 1.3.

- Score 1: This is typically seen as an F, or a failing grade, often featuring a GPA of under 1.0.

In terms of what's considered 'good', typically, a score of 4 or above is viewed favorably. However, the specifics can depend on the particulars of your teacher's grading scheme, the class' average, and your individual progress. It's a good idea to reach out to your teacher directly to further clarify the grading scale and where you should aim to fall within it.

4 months ago

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